With over 12 races we produce per season, volunteers are very essential to our race day operation. Our volunteers are responsible for course marshaling, race day registration tables, course setup, course break down, and other duties ensure our races are safe. If you care about the sport and would like to see the sport to grow and to attract more newcomers, you and your friends should consider volunteering!

How do you volunteer for a race?
For each of the race registration page, you can select “Volunteer” when registering. You won’t be charged of course. Choose the size for your T shirt. That’s it. Usually 2 days before the race day, you will receive a confirmation email asking you to confirm if you are available to volunteer on the race day. You can personally reach out to us to volunteer and just send your email to [email protected]
What time you need to be there?
You are needed from 5:30am to 10:30am. Our races start at 7:30am. Once you arrived, report to our Race Directors (Ron or George). They will go over your race duty as well as where you need to be. Don’t leave until the race is finished. You have to sign out to earn your race credit!

Do I get a free race?
As our ways saying thank you for your volunteerism, you get one race credit allowing you to register for a free race. Just let us know how you want to use the race credit when you are signing out after the race. The free race credit would apply to any race of your choice. You get additional race related swag, depending on what is available on the race day.
Do I need to bring anything else to the race?
Extra clothes considering you will be working at the race before sunrise. The weather in our early Spring races can be colder. Bring your bike with you because it could get you to your assigned marshal spot much quicker than walking. Have fun and to cheer your friends racing. We hope you enjoy the volunteer experience. We would love to see you again. Many of our core staff started out in volunteering for races.